Cutting edge research on global environmental politics

Here are links to select publications on climate politics, carbon markets, non-state actors and regime complexity. For copies of anything that’s not here, please contact me!  Book chapters and book reviews listed at the bottom.

Climate Politics
and Governance

Asset Revaluation and the Existential Politics of Climate Change. 
2021. International Organization. With Jeff Colgan and Thomas N. Hale.

The Net Zero Wave: Identifying patterns in the uptake and robustness of national and corporate net zero targets, 2015-2023.” 
2024. Climate Policy.  With Thomas N. Hale and Aldrick Arceo

The Climate Establishment and the Structural Constraints of Paris Partnerships.
2024. Climatic Change. 

“Global Climate Policy Beyond the Paris Agreement.”
2024. PS: Political Science & Politics.

The History of Net Zero: Can we move from concepts to practice?”
2023. Climate Policy. With Raúl Salas Reyes.

Using Earnings Calls to Understand the Political Behavior of Major Polluters.
2022. Global Environmental Politics. With Paasha Mahdavi, Jennifer Hadden and Thomas N. Hale.

Transition, Hedge, or Resist? Understanding Political and Economic Behavior toward Decarbonization in the Oil and Gas Industry.
2021. Review of International Political Economy. With Jennifer Hadden, Thomas N. Hale and Paasha Mahdavi.

Less Talk, More Walk: Why Climate Change Demands Activism in the Academy. 
2020. Daedalus.

Policy Entrepreneurship in Climate Governance: Toward a Comparative Approach.
2018. Environment and Planning C. 

The Strength of Weakness: Pseudo-Clubs in the Climate Regime.
2015. Climatic Change.

A balance of bottom-up and top-down in linking climate policies.
2014. Nature Climate Change. With Thomas Sterner and Gernot Wagner.

Carbon Pricing

Does Carbon Pricing Reduce Emissions? A review of ex-post analyses.
2021. Environmental Research Letters. 
Winner, 2021 Best Review Article in Environmental Research Letters. 
More than 70K downloads.

Non-state Actors
and Private Authority

Organizational Ecology
and Regime Complexity

Organizational Ecology and Institutional Change in Global Governance.
2016. International Organization.
With Kenneth Abbott and Robert Keohane.